Alaska Board of Fisheries Proposal 156 is bad for Southeast Alaska Residents (and visitors) who rely on these programs for commercial, sport, personal, subsistence and community use. Your voice is needed.
The on-time public comment period has passed. Thank you to all of you who submitted comments!
If you missed the comment deadline and would still like your voice heard, you can either attend the meeting in person beginning February 2nd, OR draft a letter to be submitted as a Record Copy during the meeting.
To learn about how to submit a Record Copy (RC) - CLICK HERE
Below are links to documents that will assist you in drafting your comments.
From commercial fishing for chum salmon in Lynn canal & Taku Inlet, to shoreside sport fishing for Chinook & coho in the Juneau area, to personal use fishing at Sweetheart Creek, to education programs at the Ladd Macaulay Visitor Center…. The DIPAC programs as we know them are at risk. Please make your voice heard to OPPOSE Proposal 156 at the SEAK Board of Fish Meeting this January.
DIPAC has no intention of increasing chum production and is maxed out on water and land use. If proposal 156 were to pass, there is no evidence to support that there would be any benefit to wild salmon, but it would significantly harm all the users of the resource.
DIPAC has worked collaboratively with ADF&G, NMFS, NOAA, UAF, USFS & UAS to study the impacts of hatchery produced salmon on wild fish for decades. See our scholarship page for more information and check out the ongoing work on the Alaska Hatchery Research Project for some recent study information.
For more information on the carrying capacity concerns addressed in proposal 156, check out this recent presentation by ADF&G staff.
For more information about the stringent hatchery permitting process, regulations, and policies, click here: